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It’s Official... They’re Here to Stay!

Rev. Daniel McKillop

After spending three months in the country of Belize, we are thrilled to announce that Pastor Damon McKillop (and family) have accepted the role of lead on-site missionary of the APC/Family Worship Center of Belize. At the end of their three month term in September, they returned to Canada to attend the annual POWER Conference hosted in Plaster Rock, NB. Repeatedly throughout that week God confirmed that this move was in His perfect will. On Sunday morning, this precious family was commissioned for the work that lay ahed of them in the land of their calling.

For more photos of this memorable occasion, click here:

While home they packed up their house and sorted through their personal belongings, as they prepared for transition into full-time missionary life. It is difficult to put into words the emotions they experienced throughout this week. On Wednesday evening, Pastor McKillop preached his final message as pastor, to his congregation in Grand Falls, NB. The morning of their return to Belize, we met one last time in the sanctuary of the church they pastored for the past eight years. Tears were shed as the door shut on one chapter; but, enthusiastic steps were eagerly taken while another door opened.

Ministry Update:

During September and October, we are pleased to report that 15 people have been baptized in Jesus’ name! There has been a special move of His presence in each service.

On Friday evenings we are teaching a leadership development classes to our pastors. Those that cannot join onsite, join us via SKYPE. We are taking this opportunity to underscore foundational Apostolic truths in our leaders, while simultaneously integrating the strategy for ongoing revival. These have been EXCITING sessions of both revelation and transparency.

Bro. Cole Edgar leading Youth Service

Bro. Cole Edgar has been instrumental in starting a Friday Night Youth service that is run simultaneously to the leadership classes. These are becoming well attended, and God is blessing his effort.

Financial Update:

We are so excited about the permanent placement of Pastor Damon McKillop and family in Belize. This is a MAJOR step of faith for them. This move is being made without all the necessary long-term commitments of support made. However, the condition of the work is such that time is of essence. Their leadership is needed on the field… immediately.

We still are needing to raise $23,400 to eliminate the debt associated with the ministry. We have been able to pay down $34,600 so far!!!! We are happy to report that so far this year, monthly support has been trending upward. For this we give God, and our supporters, all the thanks! Thank you for believing in Belize again! It is making the difference...


Pastor Daniel McKillop

President of APCB


Partner Info:

If you wish to partner, you can do so by sending donations through the following venues:


  • All checks can be made payable to the Apostolic Pentecostal Church, PO Box 88, Presque Isle, Maine, 04769

  • “I AM Foundation” — Care of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Belize.

  • The WPF — Care of the Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Belize.

As funds are donated, we update our website. Check back often!

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